Final Maps:
These are the final maps that I ended up with by the end of the project. I had to change direction slightly due to not enough data for what I was initially looking for.
Final Poster:
- How do you feel about your final maps and poster? What parts of your project do you particularly like? Dislike? Why?
I generally feel pretty good about my final project and poster. I feel that my maps convey my research really well. I really like the maps that I made, I think they are very clean in showing their data points and they show just enough information so that it is not cluttered. I dislike my format because I feel that it is too boring and generic and not very appealing to the viewer.
- What would you differently if you were to do re-start the semester and do this project again? Why?
If I could start over, I think that I would put a lot more research into a topic that could have a lot more data supporting it as it was very difficult for me to find all the correct data for my project.
- What is something that you learned while doing this project that you think will be helpful if or when you do another GIS project?
Something that I learned is that not all data can be exported and used in ArcMap software. I found a few data files in which that couldn't be used in ArcMap which was very disappointing.